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a mother holds newborn baby skin to skin after home water birth in tacoma, wa. birth photography by peppermint birth, Bree Minter

Pepper Mint Birth


person laboring in birth pool surrounded by family, doula during homebirth in seattle, WA
father gives counterpressure to laboring woman during homebirth in Tacoma, WA. Birth Photography by Seattle doula Bree Minter
Close up of a newborn baby laying on a white towel during newborn exam after homebirth in Puyallup, WA. Image by Bree Minter, Tacoma birth photographer


Laboring mom leans into birth partner against maroon leather couch. The father is giving counterpressure during contraction. Tacoma home birth photography by Bree Minter
new parent holds a newborn baby swaddled in a hospital blanket after birth in Tacoma, WA
laboring mom uses nitroux oxide in birthing tub, surrounded by partner, midwife, doula in Seattle, WA
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